Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Updates ~ moving right along…

Here is a tomato plant update – side-by-side comparison from almost a week ago… and today. They’re doing well, but growing a little too fast. Today I introduced the little sprouts to the great outdoors for awhile. I hope they ‘fatten up’ a bit as they are getting too tall and skinny staying inside all the time.

C’mon li’l mater plants, sturdy up!

3-27 and 4-1 toms
I took a short walk around the yard just a few minutes ago and here is what I noticed:

Lilacs are going to burst soon. If you really take a good sniff of these buds, they’re even starting to smell like Lilacs… Mmmm.

Lilacs 4-1-09

Here is our Bradford Pear right now. I don’t know if I love that tree more in the Spring, or in the Fall. Would be a tough choice.

bradford pear april 1
bradford pear blossoms

Happy Spring, Y’all!


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