The chicks are one month old this week! And they truly have blossomed at this point. I spared them the humiliation of posting those awkward in-between pictures. Well, actually I just didn’t get around to it till now, but… now they really are pretty I think.
Don’t you think they look like miniature chickens at this point? Can you imagine how big they’ll be in another month?
Today I added a ladder (see above) that gives better access to the “upstairs” portion. Not that they really needed a ladder, because they are pretty good at flying now. But I feel better about it.
Take a look at Roo (“Sappo” – named after my Grandma Winfree’s famous crowing banty rooster). Can you tell he’s already sporting some rooster attitude?
As promised, here is a view of Mr. W’s latest creation… the Chicken Tractor, aka Portable Run. Made with PVC pipe & hardware cloth and our ever-popular galvanized tin. He also built them a nice Chicken Tunnel that gives them safe access back and forth to the Coop. (By the way, yes… it’s still sitting on the Barn/Cottage Porch… waiting on me to paint the wheels… <sigh>). The run portion moves pretty easily as it is lightweight. Note there is an “apron” of hardware cloth around the bottom to discourage digging predators. Yes, sometimes those pesky predators can even visit during the day. This Mama Hen is a worrier to say the least (just ask Mr. W).
The crowd awaits in the Tunnel…
Today while I built the ladder and a roost, and cleaned the coop, I blocked access to the coop with a board. “Peck, peck, peck” was all I heard as they “knocked” trying to hurry me up. Demanding little birds, they are :)
Here they are… hanging out in the “loft.” At this point, I’m really glad we have the upper area because they’re definitely going to need all the space they can find by the time the Big Coop is complete. I also opened up the Nest Box area a couple of weeks ago… for added space.
Cute Little Chicken Notes as of 1 Month Old:
- Favorite Treats: Yogurt and Quick Oats (they suffered no Pasty Butt.. could this be the reason?)
- Favorite Pastime: Running up and down the Tunnel. Just about any time during daylight hours you can hear the pitter-patter of little chicken feet going back and forth. So cute!
- At least half of them seem to enjoy cuddling, or is it just me?
- Names, so far: Chica (a very gentle and sweet soul from the beginning), Sappo the Roo, Bella, CoCo, Lucy.
That’s all the Chicken News from FCF for now. I hope to be back in a few days with some Chicken video (after a technical difficulty is attended to). And probably some Ruby and Gracie video as well. My little donkey girls are feeling a little left out since the chicks arrived. I promise they are still getting spoiled a-plenty, as is everyone else around here :)
Have a great weekend!