Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Walkabout: Let’s Go for a Drive

We took a drive late this afternoon, so technically, these aren’t really walkabout pictures… are they?  Maybe I’ll just pretend this once,  k?  Several of these photos are along our route to and from work. A few are just slightly off our beaten path. It was a gorgeous, sunshiny day. We’re still waiting for warmer temps, but the mid-thirties today seemed very pleasant. The local weather dude says that 45 is the average high temperature for the latter part of February. It would be so nice to see that number soon!

A few of these photos were snapped by Mr. W. Thank you, Dear! :)

Roadside Squirrel, Snowy Fields, Wild Turkeys (they sure are making a lot of appearances these days), Sky Viewnature_rocks

Old Levick’s Mill Log Cabin, Barn, Windmill, Old Lonely Farmhouse, One Room Schoolhouse in a Cow Pasture, Love those Windmills (Note to Self: All we need to make our farm complete -- Windmill & Chickens).


Here’s the Snowy Field in solo form. For some reason, it brings me peace and serenity.  Need to chill? Take a deep breath, and gaze at this photo a few seconds…


Did it help?

We’ve almost survived yet another winter’s week. Hope yours has been a good one!



Anonymous said...

Mid to upper thirties here too but it's still cccoold. Are fingers supposed to be blue this time of the year?

The Blue Ridge Gal

Donna. W said...

Great pictures. And hey, I'm pretty sure I smelled spring approaching today... in spite of the ten-day forecast.

Brenda said...

Beautiful photos! And, the chill thing really works! I got chill bumps gazing at the last photo... It probably doesn't help that I just got in from milking the goats ... but it did give me a chill! Thank you for sharing.

Leah said...

Wow - we were thinking very similar -- I included shots of my drive too.... snow and more snow!

Lisa said...

The pictures are beautiful. God's creation is so beautiful.

The last picture makes me feel nostalgic. We don't have snow and I have never lived in snow but I feel like I've had that picture at some point in my life.

Thank you.

Elle Bee said...

Ah. That is just pure beauty. Snowy Field is God saying hello, I'm here! Sky View too. Oh, those two photos just take my breath away! Simply beautiful. I also really enjoyed the barn.

I love Thursday Ride-About just as much as the Walk-About. :o)

Rural Rambler said...

Beautiful shots Tammy. I love Thursday Walkabouts. A drive is always good for the soul, cabin fever and pictures too. Love the old red barn and the windmills!

Debbie said...

Beautiful photos! We have added to our snow totals around here. I haven't actually measured recently but I am guesstimating 25+ inches at the moment. But the sun is shining at the moment and the sky is beautiful and blue.

V.L. Locey said...

Wonderful photos!

Unknown said...

Awesome, I love the old barns and sheds!

Rachel said...

Beautiful pictures! Thank goodness that spring is around the corner.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

I really look forward to your Walkabout Thursday!
I always copy the link and send to my dad so he can show my Nana. She loves it, too :)

Hmm...I want the old cabin and a windmill. I could move the cabin here to Tn! I guess we both need to put windmills on our wishlists!

OMG! I spent time last night trying to figure out the nav bar thing for my blog...and I come here and YOU have one now!!!

If I couldn't figure out the header thing, I think I am a lost cause :(

What site did you use? Maybe easier than the one I was working with. I am determined to successfully learn something new!

Have a great weekend, Tammy. Glad we are friends :)
xo, misha

Unknown said...

Love the barn photos! Nothing much is old in California, so these are a sight to see! (In a good way!). My new camera finally arrived this week, but I'm still waiting on the memory card. I can't wait to start snapping away.

Unknown said...

Indeed it did help! Amazing photos Tammy, and I absolutely love those barn and windmill photos. What a delight.

Be well ~Andrea~

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Awesome pics Tammy, thanks for takin' us with you on your drive.

Have a fun day and a wonderfully blessed weekend!!!

Melinda said...

Love the quiet pasture. Empty buildings a re so sad but it's fun to try ans picture them as they were back in the day.
Have a super weekend!


Catherine said...

I can feel the cold!!! nice pictures as usual thanks fot sharing with us . have a nice weekend Catherine

Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

Hi Tammy! Love your photos! Especially that cute squirrel! ;) I'm tired of snow too! UGH...ENOUGH ALREADY.

have a fabulous weekend!

Missouri Gal said...

I loved your photos! You know me and the old homesteads, I can't get enough of them. Thank you for sharing Tammy.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Beautiful scenery and wonderful country photos.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Tammy these pictures are really lovely. What a lovely day you guys had taking all these pictures and seeing such beautiful places. Just beautiful

Kilauea Poetry said...

Tammy these are beautiful!! Love the little squirrel,the Turkeys..not used to seeing those guys in the snow! (You realize we are the 49th state with no snow- yet)- all the rest have so far!! Well, the windmills are fantastic as well as the barns and fields- incredible! I still think it's amazing your beautiful cardinal captured in flight like that below- what color huh?! Was a wonderful treat stopping here! Hope you have a blessed weekend!
Regards, Regina-

Vintage West said...

Love the "homestead" series!

Unknown said...

G'morn, Tammy ~ What fantastic captured nature shots ... love the old structures! The mosaic presentation is captivating.

Have a beautiful weekend.
Hugs, Marydon

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ok going to have to check my turkeys out!! Cheers.. ha

Jenny said...

Absolutely lovely. The farmhouse photo was the most poignant for me.

Q said...

Each day we are a bit closer to the magic od Spring, March 21st!
Ice here so no walk abouts or drive abouts. I am home reading.
Your photographs are lovely. A windmill would be perfect for your farm.
Stay warm!

Susan said...

Love the blog! I'll be visiting often.

Susan at Charm of the Carolines

Jackie said...

Did I tell you I love your Thursday walkabouts? Yeah...I've told you that (grin)! I love the windmills. When I first saw the snowy field I thought it was a frozen lake and it is very relaxing to look at that photo. I like the old farmhouse too.

Hoping the sun shines for you for the rest of the week.


Cheryl said...

Absolutely beautiful photos....I love your neck of the woods!

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