Drought and Heat 2012: We are still suffering in our neck of the woods. Grass, crops, gardens.. all are dying. Even the trees are in danger at this point. I’ve been watering to try to save what I can. The good news is we’re now into the “cool 90’s” this week after two weeks of upper 90’s to (as much as) 107 here. Please tell me what’s going on where you are. The rains have been so spotty. I know some have received showers of blessing.
In spite of everything, we still have a few blooms and tiny bit of garden left. Amazing, I say.
Bees: We are picking up another hive of bees this week from a relative who is a beekeeper and does his own splits each year. This will be Hive #4. Yay! On one of our hottest days last week (107), I captured these honeybees soaking up the moisture at the bird bath. It was really interesting to watch! Maybe because I’m a Bee Nerd? At any point during those warmest days you could see several bees at a time cooling off here.
Do you ever have a list of “things I should have blogged, but never did?” Here’s one of my many. This handmade mosaic stepping stone was given to me by my parents on my 50th b-day (gulp) 2 years ago. I sooo love it! The gentleman who creates these is wheelchair-bound in a local nursing home (about my age), and donates the proceeds to our county’s Relay for Life.
Now, here is something that Mr. W is quite proud of. One of his newest projects. Still doesn’t seem real to us sometimes, but his dear blacksmithing friend Ed passed away suddenly a couple of months ago. Slowly but surely I think some of Ed’s “best of the best” rust pile has somehow found its way to Flat Creek Farm :)
Just for fun, can anyone guess what this lovely crusty rusty item is?
One more random catch-up item.. and I’m outa here for now (hopefully not so long this time). Remember Goldie? Wow, she grew up! She’ll be one year old at the end of this month. Notice the post-critter-chasing tongue?
Hope everyone is doing well. I’m trying to slowly catch up on blog visits too. Where does the time go??
Till next time…
hi! i hope you get some good rains and keep those cooler temps! so much of the country is hurting! we're much better off than last year's drought, but still losing inches in the pond daily as the heat and dryness of texas summer hits us.
love that stepping stone! so cool! and wow, those are some long legs on that pup!!!
That stepping stone is adorable!! Why have I never seen it at your house?
I know what that thing is . . .oh wait I don't count!
Happy col down week!
Sorry to hear about the heat and the drought. We've actually had two tropical storms and fairly decent temps for here for this time of year. The veggie garden almost got too much water.
I know what you mean about blogging and time getting away. My posts have been sporadic lately. Too much going on I guess.
I hope you get some rain soon!
We may have had a little more rain than you but it's been hot across the Midwest too. My water bill is double this month. I've seen bees in my bird baths; they've chased the birds away! Back in the 90's today. Good to hear from you. Hang in there; it's bound to change. :D
Hi Tammy, love your stepping stone and, yes, I've got stuff that I've forgotten to blog about. My problem is that I think of something I want to blog about, then forget what it was! I need to keep a notebook with me, I guess. Your pup is sweet and has the longest legs! Take care and stay cool. Hope we all get some of that much needed rain soon.
Beautiful flowers! It's been so hot here in St. Louis, I did put much effort into gardening this year.
Love the stepping stone. One good looking dog too. We got rain today and lower temperatures. Hope it rains at your place.
Hi Tammy. Good to see you back. I have no clue what the item is, but I'll bet Patti knows....
This heat and drought has totally zapped the humans as well as vegetation. Like you say, even trees are in danger. I was working in my embroidery shop Saturday when I heard thunder and then drops of rain on the tin roof. I ran outside and did a rain dance, yelling at the top of my lungs. I'm very glad we don't have neighbors. That shower lasted all of 5 minutes. But we did get an inch Sunday night. I'm very thankful for that.
Speaking of droughts, it seems to me that many of us bloggers have hit a drought this summer. Oh, and that mosaic is gorgeous.
Hi Tammy!
Nice to see you :) How special of that man to donate $$ to "Relay" for his gorgeous art! Could you post a link on your sidebar for him? Or maybe on FB?
We need rain here too...We already have several farms who have cancelled their Fall corn mazes. Very sad as this is how they make extra income in the off-season! Farming is never easy. I know we are going to pay through the roof for Winter hay! Oy...
Stay cool and give those long-ears a kiss from their Auntie misha!
Bee nerd - - -that's the first time I have heard that term. It's cute and also complimentary to you. It shows how much you love what you do.
I LOVE the mosaic stepping stone. What an artist!
We finally got much, much needed rain. It was enough to put out some underbrush fires in the forest area just a few miles south of us.
Our weather has been similar to yours and now we are getting some much needed rain! my list of blogging ideas that never went to fruition is very long, too! the stepping stone is unbelievably beautiful, this man is so talented!
Thanks for sharing of what you have been doing,enjoy your day.
Hi Tammy - Oh my goodness - y'all are having what we in Texas had last year. We had so many trees die on our place. My 200 year oak in my back yard lost lots of limbs and it now looks like the rest of it is slowly fading away. Parts of Texas are still hot and dry, but where I'm at we've gotten a few showers over the last week or so that have greened things up a bit. It's been some kind of heat wave for all you midwesterners for sure! Hope it breaks soon!
So sorry you're dealing with the drought! Your pics don't reflect it tho - all are gorgeous! I have yet to make time to learn to use my camera that I bought a year ago! Visits here always inspire in so many ways! The barn quilts are also dear to me and we've been talking about adding one for years. As we joke here "it's just one more thing! Add it to the (long) list!" I'm praying that your temps ease and you get much rain soon!
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