Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

What are your plans for this Independence Day? We started the morning by heading into town to purchase more lumber for finishing the Barn/Cottage walls ~ 20% off today, which helps! It’s rainy here, but supposed to clear before fireworks time. We actually needed the rain, so that’s a blessing! Our evening plans are still up in the air. We’re not sure if we will stay home and view distant fireworks from the front porch, or head out somewhere to watch a display.

Whatever your plans ~ make it a safe and happy 4th!freedom_ring



~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Happy Independence Day! Thanks for stopping by today :)

Blessings, Misha

Lara said...

We got some of that much needed rain too. We had the family over for a barbeque and it was so fun to watch the newphews chace the chickens around the yard. Our friends and family love the donkeys too. There was a nice cool breeze for a while, and we could see quite a few fireworks displays from our hilltop home. I hope you had a good one too!

Keeper of the Home said...

Hoping you had a wonderful 4th!

~Mrs. M

Cheryl said...

Happy late 4th of July! Really nice fireworks!!

Lois Christensen said...

We stayed home. But, I loved it. Very relaxing and nice for a change. Usually I have the house full of people and so much work. Just too tired this year with hubby's surgery. So we stayed home and just had my mom come over for a small barbecue. Very nice. Hope you had a good one!

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