Sunday, October 3, 2010

Exciting News x 3

First exciting thing…

I won, I won!! I am a whole lot late on announcing that I won (ummm… about 2 months ago) a wonderful giveaway hosted by Vickie at My Red Truck blog.

Look at these adorable Bottle Cap magnets she made!! They make me smile every time I see them on the fridge. Didn’t she use the cutest images? Thank you again, Vickie!! Please visit her to see some other wonderful things she has created. This girl has a knack for the crafty! (Photo courtesy of My Red Truck).


And, I won, I won… again!! Yesterday, after a fun day at the Craft Festival with my sister (and having this unexplained “lucky” feeling all afternoon), upon return home I found out I had won a $35 gift certificate to CSN Stores from Rural Revival. How fun this will be! If you aren’t familiar with Andrea @ Rural Revival, then you’re really missing out!! I just adore Andrea and her blog. From the renovation of their beautiful 1860 Ontario Gothic Revival farmhouse, the day-to-day adventures with Andrea and The Artist and the Glimmer Twins, to the storybook beautiful Rural Revival Wedding last year… you’ll be hooked too!! Don’t miss their beautiful wedding photo or the priceless American Gothic version of Andrea and The Artist (on her sidebar).  Just go read. Now. You’ll be captivated for hours :)


Thank you again, dear Andrea!!

My final reveal of exciting news for today involves this --


The first egg laid by one of my little Ameraucana girls!! Trust me, the egg is not nearly as large as it appears here. It’s so tiny and cute ♥ Nope, I wasn’t there when it arrived, but I did notice Peaches sitting nearby. I don’t know if she deserves the credit for this first little gem, or if she was just waiting to lay one of her own.

Oh, by the way, did I mention I still don’t have the nest boxes installed in the coop?!

I hope everyone is enjoying a fabulous Sunday!!



Laurie at Turner Farm said...

Congratulations Tammy! So happy for you! WOW! you've won big girl. Two winnings and an egg! We're expecting ours to be laying later this month. Look how cute it looks with that basket. You always have such beautiful photos.

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

ah, how nice to be so lucky! i love the little egg! way to go and congrats!

Lisa ~Suburban Retreat~ said...

Congratulations x 3!

Unknown said...

Yippee!!! Your first egg!!!! I'm so excited, I have goose bumps! What a thrilling feeling, after all the extremely hard work you've completed to get to this point. Here's to many, many more eggs at Flat Creek Farm!

Hugs ~Andrea~

PS. Thanks so very much for all you said about my blog. My cup runneth over with all the fortuitous friendships I've made through blogging. I never, ever dreamed that there were so many lovely ladies, like you, out there just waiting to be met. : )

Linda Stubbs said...

Oh sweet is that? I love new little eggs when they start laying. I am sure this is little. Ours always are too. All the food that we get form the cafeteria is making my girls lay so many a day. It is very nice to give to my boy's families and some families at work. Loved coming over to read today.......miss all my hops I use to get to make.

Hugs, Linda

Kent Island Red said...

Sounds like you're on a winning streak. Better run out now and purchase that lottery ticket while your luck is still good :-)!

Q said...

You are a lucky girl indeed!
What a darling egg...I wish I had chickens....

Blondee said...

Congrats on your 'loot'. :) The magnets are adorable!!

I'm sure that egg is small....we are always in awe when one of our 'babies' is big enough to lay and how teensy they are to start. So cool.

Have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kent Island Red and think it's time you go buy a few lottery tickets. I'll split the winnings with you if it's over a million bucks! LOL


Verde Farm said...

You should buy a lottery ticket Tammy!
So happy your Easter Eggers are getting started :)

Jenny said...

Tammy! Congratulations on your wins AND your first egg! Hooray! Life just doesn't get much better then this!

LeAnna said...

How fun, I just love blogging giveaways! I sooo wish I had a new crop of pullets this fall. BOOHOO. >sticking out bottom lip< I just love those pretty blue and green eggs.

Dog Trot Farm said...

How exciting, your first egg! Last Fall when I discovered my first egg I think I called everyone that I knew. Love the bottle cap magnets and congratulations for winning Andrea's give away!

Elle Bee said...

Wow, you won some great stuff!! How fun!! I love your little eggie!! How exciting that must have been to see it there, waiting for you! Are you gonna fry it or scramble it? :o)

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

You need to buy a lotto ticket!!! Two giveaways and an egg! Wow :)

I was telling a friend about your coop today! She said it sounds like a castle for chickens! I agree!!
xo, misha

Unknown said...

Oh wow! Congrats on winning! And an egg! How sweet...we just ordered 3 baby chicks and can't wait! My sweet hubby is building the coop right now. I will be following! Going to read all your old posts now...Love your blog Tammy :)
Becky C
Buckets of Burlap

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there Tammy- congrats!! I'm happy for you and think the bottle caps are far out- what a neat idea! Hey, hope you pick out something great too.
Now I consider an egg to be a gem as well! I love this season and (btw), had no idea you grew a hundred tomatoes!! Send some of your luck in the fall breeze:))
Have a great week-

Anonymous said...

Lucky you. Maybe we should rub arms or something? Spread yourself to us "losers:. tee he

Rural Rambler said...

Well! Congratulations Tammy! And that egg is darling :) Life is good, huh?!!! Enjoy your Flat Creek Farm Monday!

Rachel said...

All that and an egg! Very lucky indeed.

Deanna said...

Congratulations on the winnnings! Wanna meet up at the boat in Boonville? You could be my good luck charm.

My son's chicken lay those cute little brown eggs and I'll have to say the flavor is so much better than store bought.

Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

Congrats x 3!! :) I love visiting and oooh-ing and awww-ing over your photos!

McVal said...

Congrats on your eggs! and winnings!!!
You lucky dog you!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Congratulations Tammy! Wow you were sure on a 'roll' with all your an egg...good for you! Enjoy your winnings and your egg ( I'm sure there's more to follow soon) and have a wonderful Tuesday.
Maura :)

Jackie said...

Lucky...Lucky...YOU! That egg is Adorable!!

elvira pajarola said...

Ahh, I LOVE IT!!!!!
Such a qutie....egg...!
I know what it means, when a lovely hen lies for us her first egg...: it is simply an EVENT!!!!!

Great pic, Tammy!
Loved your kind visit in my Tuscany for a cup of coffee!
ciao ciao elvira

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Wow! Congratulations on everything!! Isn't the first egg so exciting? And it's such fun to see them continue to grow. We received a tiny little egg the other day from one of our Araucana's. Not sure why that hen is going backward in size, but it was so cute.

Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations to you, lucky lady!!! And how exciting - your first egg! :)

Lois Christensen said...

Glad you won! And a very lovely egg!

Cheryl said...

Wow congrats on your winnings! Kind of old news now I'm a little late on the draw! But better late than never....
Great egg photo what a cute little basket!
I hope you saved your very first treasure from the "ladies" I'm sentimental and blew out my first egg and have it safe and sound in my crystal cabinet.
Happy Day!

Anonymous said...

How lucky you are! I just love those little pullet eggs!


Leslie @ Farm Fresh Fun said...

Congrats. Congrats. CONGRATS to lucky you! All fun treasures! I'll never forget my thrill at finding my first egg... It was a bad day and that egg just made my whole world bright! Enjoy the many more soon to follow!
ps - out of my three Easter Eggers, only 1 laid blue eggs. And my puppy killed her. Many tears were shed for Annabelle... Better luck to lucky you!

Tonya Gunn said...

Oh, the first egg is just so exciting. And congratulations on your wins.
Warm wishes, Tonya

Sue said...

Congratulations Tammy on your wins, I will visit these sites, It is so great to find someone besides myself that gets excited over their hens first egg. Aren't those little blue eggs the cutest, almost to cute to Thanks for sharing.
Hugs Sue

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