Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rainbow Bridge

RIP Oliver
a/k/a Olli Bear, Olly Olly (Oxen Free)


A sweet, docile kitty left this world peacefully at home yesterday morning. Oliver was a part of a litter of newborns that my sister rescued from the Humane Society 17 years ago (their mother had just been euthanized). My requests: We wanted a Garfield (check). I also asked for the most lovable, sweet, docile, easy to get along with kitten (check, check, check, check). Oliver was the only cat we’ve ever owned (or who owned us) who didn’t mind a bath now and then. An unforgettable furball part of our family.
Rest in peace, dear sweet Oliver.


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

So sorry to hear about Oliver. Losing a pet is very hard.
I hope the sun comes out and shines on you all today.

Tara said...

Awwww. so sorry for your loss. Our pets are special to us. Hard to replace.
BIG Hugs from TExas.

Elle Bee said...

Poor sweet Olly! It sounds like he had a wonderful life at Flat Creek Farm. Hugs to you.

blushing rose said...

What wonderful years & joy you had with him. Sorry for your loss. May he frolic forever in kitty playground.

Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

Unknown said...

Tammy, I'm so sorry to hear that you have had to say good bye to a special member of your family. He and you were fortunate to have so many years together, full of many, many happy memories, no doubt. We're all sending big hugs to you from across the border.
Be well. ~Andrea~

Cheryl said...

Oh so sad to hear of Oliver's passing! Wait patiently at Rainbow Bridge dear Oliver! Hope you are doing well Tammy..huggs!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Oh, Tammy, I just knew when I saw Rainbow Bridge at the top of your post.
Ollie had a wonderful life because of your family. And all of you are better human beings because of the love you gave him.
Give yourself time to grieve. He was a family member.
I bet he is playing with my Maverick who left almost 2 years ago. Best friends they will be.
God Bless, sweetie.

Lois Christensen said...

Sorry for your loss! Happy you had for as long as you did. My parents had a cat that I just loved. He would come to stay with us when my parents would be out of town and hubby and I loved him. But he got sick and died and I was crushed, about 15 years ago. Only to move here to the country 5 years ago and our neighbor has a cat that looks EXACTLY like the cat I loved so much so many years ago. How strange is that?? Enjoy your weekend!

Donna. W said...

You must have done something right; that's an OLD cat!

Anonymous said...

yea oliver, rest in peace.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Oh so very sorry to read this post. What a wonderful cat Oliver must have been, to allow all that fussing ;)
I lost all of my cats last year, it's been a big hole in our lives.
I'm sure he will be aiting for you, over at the Rainbow Bridge...maybe playing with my kitties now ;)
Rest well dear Oliver...

Farming On Faith said...

Oh~ I am so sorry. Pets sure have a place in our hearts and become family! I pray comfort for you and your family!

Debbie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I know just how you feel, having lost my sweet "Zachy Boy" in October.

Diana Ferguson said...

Great memories of special Oliver will be with you. Here's a hug!

Karen said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet cat. It sounds like he had a wonderful life. Still, it is never easy to say goodbye to our furry friends.

Down On The Farm said...

I am so sorry about your cat. Pets become family members, and losing them is SO HARD. That's why I don't have one. When I was a kid I cried a MILLION tears over dogs, cats, chickens. We had funerals for them. So I told myself that "when I grow up I won't ever have a pet to cry over" and I've kept my word. Oh, we have an outside dog, and she's a great dog and I'll be kinda sad when something happens to her, but no real pet for me. It hurts too bad to lose them. Hope you had a great weekend

Q said...

Many blessings!
This is a loving tribute to a dear little friend.

The Urban Cowboy said...

Sorry for your loss, sounds like Oliver obviously had a long and very happy life.

Lynn said...

I'm so sorry about your kitty. It sounds like he was a sweet, sweet part of your family. We had to put our yellow lab down in March and I still miss her happy, wagging body whenever we get home from somewhere; I'm still kind of expecting her to be here to greet us. It takes a while to get used to the idea that they're really gone.

Anonymous said...

Make sure to check out the Rainbow Bridge movie, it has a lot of comforting qualities

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