Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Duck.. duck.. goose!

Before the most recent snow, we had several duck visitors. Mallards, I believe?


Not sure about this group. Note the larger duck with slightly fluffy head.. one vote was for possibly a Gadwall. What do you think?


Hubby and I took a snow tour yesterday and HE spotted a pair of geese. I captured this one departing the scene. Oh, how I love them!

Winter has been “fun,” but I’m ready to move on. Raise your hand if you agree! The Fiddler has a birthday this weekend, and that’s also my cue to start some tomatoes, peppers and more in Jiffy pots with a grow light in the garage. I’ve also ordered my first round of seeds for the season. Trying to move forward…

Have a fabulous remainder to your week… promise me you’ll think Spring! (or try!)


Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday: Check out Wild Bird Wednesday for beautiful wild birds around the world!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Gonna have to face it…

I’m addicted to owls. Have you been following Alessondra’s Oklahoma City Great Horned Owl nest cam? There are two owlets.The parents are beautiful, and the owl-kids are adorable. I have to check in a few times a day, and sometimes just leave that window open while I do other things. Be sure to read the story behind the owl cam as well (Alessondra is an 8 year old girl). You can scroll down their page for FAQ’s. Night is a very active time to watch, with lots of “owl-yummies” brought in for the babies to eat.

Click here for the stream>> Alessondra's OKC Great Horned Owl-Cam

Photo from Alessondra’s Live Owl Cam Facebook page – “Like” their page to see more!

We seem to have several Great Horned Owls in our neck of the woods. I hear their calls often, but I haven’t seen one up close and personal yet. So I am enjoying this opportunity to observe these beauties and watch the babies grow. Thank you, Alessondra and family for sharing this with us!

We are in line for a Palm Sunday snowstorm. Wow! More snow to move! What are your weekend plans?


Friday, March 15, 2013

Perfect Day

What a beautiful day here in Missouri! 70’s and plentiful sunshine. Oh, how we’ve waited for this, even if it’s a brief respite. We enjoyed our walk late this afternoon. Immensely.

I know what you’re thinkin’ – oh good grief, not another video?!  You’ll see a beautiful pair of Canadian geese in flight (one is a little wobbly), Chloe and Goldie playing, and Chloe is savoring the last bit of snow, and some of our little waterfalls here on the farm. So good to see that water flowing too. Banjo was with us too. She just didn’t score an on screen part this time, but next time for sure!

A Beautiful Day

The goose pair, in “hidey” mode.

Finally, from us to you, Happy St. Patrick’s Day this weekend!



Linking up to Farm Fun Friday!

Also linking to Wild Bird Wednesday: Check out Wild Bird Wednesday for beautiful wild birds around the world!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I loved watching this “peeky” Female Downy Woodpecker yesterday at the feeders. So tiny, sweet, and a bit cautious.


Behavior: Downy Woodpeckers hitch around tree limbs and trunks or drop into tall weeds to feed on galls, moving more acrobatically than larger woodpeckers. Their rising-and-falling flight style is distinctive of many woodpeckers. In spring and summer, Downy Woodpeckers make lots of noise, both with their shrill whinnying call and by drumming on trees. Habitat: You’ll find Downy Woodpeckers in open woodlands, particularly among deciduous trees, and brushy or weedy edges. They’re also at home in orchards, city parks, backyards and vacant lots. Location: Year-round over most of United States, and a good portion of Canada. source

Check out Wild Bird Wednesday for beautiful wild birds around the world!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Winter’s Last Blast? And More Slow-Motion Birds at the end…

One can hope this is the last blast. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am certainly ready for Spring!

We took a drive and that little dusting of snow we were supposed to get suddenly turned into blowing, nasty, drifting snow. But alas, we kept driving…

I thought these two babies were perfect.

One of my very favorite barns in the area.. or at least all we can see of it from the road.


As we continued down the road, it began to look worse.. but we kept on moving to our destination.

you might guess where…

Tougher women than I – in these frigid temps and blowing snow…



Quickly, after passing through more snow drifts, we ran in one Amish store for oat flour, quinoa, wheat bulgur, black strap molasses, the best super sharp cheddar cheese, and a few assorted other items which cannot be purchased in our “regular” grocery stores. 

Bless this fella.. spreading manure in the snow and cold.


Then it was a slow trip home through the drifts. Once home, Mr. W plowed the driveways out (yet again..), and I couldn’t resist making another slow-mo bird video in our blowing snow (yes, I finally figured out what I was doing.. ha!).
Be sure to watch at about 1:20 for the Male Northern Cardinals fighting. You’ll also see a grumpy red-bellied woodpecker (he’s also very persnickety and wasteful with the seeds… hmmmpph!). Also a few other assorted birds. I love watching these videos in slow motion because in normal speed, they are too quick for my eyes and I miss the really cool stuff!

Blizzard and Birds, Take II

Hope this is winter’s last hoorah.. how about you? Are you ready for Spring yet?! Be safe and warm!


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