Before the most recent snow, we had several duck visitors. Mallards, I believe?
Not sure about this group. Note the larger duck with slightly fluffy head.. one vote was for possibly a Gadwall. What do you think?
Hubby and I took a snow tour yesterday and HE spotted a pair of geese. I captured this one departing the scene. Oh, how I love them!
Winter has been “fun,” but I’m ready to move on. Raise your hand if you agree! The Fiddler has a birthday this weekend, and that’s also my cue to start some tomatoes, peppers and more in Jiffy pots with a grow light in the garage. I’ve also ordered my first round of seeds for the season. Trying to move forward…
Have a fabulous remainder to your week… promise me you’ll think Spring! (or try!)
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday: Check out Wild Bird Wednesday for beautiful wild birds around the world!