Several years ago, I recall my Mother saying she was compiling a few short stories about her life growing up – the first several years in the country, and then her family’s move to the small town of Perry, Missouri in her early teens. She mentioned someday, oh, she might just print it out for her girls (my sister and me) and for her grandson (the Fiddler). Years passed and she continued to write a few stories from her memories here and there. Several months ago she contacted Daydream Books and Arts and after talking with them, she decided she would go ahead and publish. After all, it was going to be little to no monetary investment and this would be a way to preserve and share these precious stories. Per my Mom, Daydream was a joy to work with. She sent them her stories – they (Stephanie) proofed, edited, and did several other things to help with the process. A few short months later, Papa Jim became a reality and was published.

Stephanie, who owns and runs Daydream Books and Arts, began the business a couple of years ago after publishing her first book. She enjoyed it so much that she wanted to help others do the same. Per Stephanie, “I wanted to help people embrace their creativity, promote it, get their work and their name out there to the public... to share their daydreams.” And so began Daydream Books and Arts in a little town called New Cambria, Missouri – not all that far from where we live.
Of course, I treasure this book. I can remember Papa Jim a little bit (he passed when I was only 2). The man I remember is a strong, tall, gentle, caring, soft-spoken man. All of my life I have heard wonderful stories of Papa and Mama (Grandpa and Grandma W to me). Grandma, in fact, moved to Paris and lived right behind us from the time I was about 8 years old. Sister and I would run those few steps to Grandma’s whenever we needed a little TLC (many times in the form of warm cookies or hugs or just a listening ear). She was a dear and priceless treasure to us. So, you can imagine I was pretty happy that these precious stories of days gone-by are now preserved for generations to come.

Here is a summary of Papa Jim, per Stephanie of Daydream Books and Arts:
“Charlotte Utterback has written these stories of her family and childhood over recent years. She wishes to share her memories with her remaining family, and anyone else interested in reminiscing of a simpler, more peaceful time. Be ready to meet her family, celebrate their joy, feel their heartaches, and learn from their way of life.”
Mary Margaret and Baby Charlotte
At only 120 pages, it is a fairly short read. Papa Jim is a wholesome, innocent book. It is also sprinkled with warm humor in the simple joys, and hope through the heartaches. While reading, you can journey back to rural and small town life in the 40’s and 50’s. This was a time when nothing was wasted, families were treasured, and things were oh-so-much simpler.
I am giving away one autographed copy of Papa Jim. You may enter by simply leaving a comment below – tell me a happy memory from your childhood if you wish. If you’re a follower, please leave a second comment telling me that you’re a follower, and your name goes in the hat twice. will pick the winning number on Monday, November 2nd and I will announce it soon thereafter. You have until Monday, November 2 at 8 a.m. CST to enter.
If you would like to order Papa Jim, it is available at Daydream Books and Arts and Amazon. Also, if you are in the North Central Missouri area, Daydream is hosting the 1st Annual Daydream Expo of Missouri Writers and Artists on Saturday, November 7th, 2015 in Macon, Missouri at the Macon County Expo Center. There will be books to purchase, and many other vendors, creative works, and entertainment to enjoy.
My Mom is 74 and has always been a very determined person with a strong faith. I have always admired her ability to accomplish things and follow a project through. I am very proud of her. She is an inspiration!

We all have a story to tell, so find a way to preserve your stories and memories and share them to the world.